A positive finish to 2022 offers an optimistic outlook for inbound golf in 2023.

When Japan lifted its strict Covid-19 border restrictions in October, there was a collective sigh of relief from Japan's tourism sector. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel was in sight. After an initial rush of visitors with connections with Japan, the tourists also started coming back.
Not the massive waves we saw in 2018/19, but, one travel segment reported an almost-to-normal level: The Luxury traveler. All 5-star accommodations in Japan quickly became almost impossible to book. The major airlines all posted major gains, and JNTO refocused on the luxury/experience segment, particularly on promotion for outdoors; namely the Ski and Golf markets.
Golfers from Singapore and South Korea were the first to venture back to Japan, but we have also seen tour operators come back from Australia, Europe, and the US markets, which were not seen as strong markets for inbound golf previously.
From our own media, the Golf in Japan website immediately saw inquiries for southern Japan and particularly Okinawa with massive demand, and received over 100 booking requests for December alone. And with Sakura season just 3 months out, all signs are pointing to a record golf traveler year in 2023 in Japan.
Let's not forget with the (still) weak yen and tax-free shopping on offer, Japan's golf retail and manufacturers can also look forward to a prosperous 2023.
With all of this positive movement, Japan in 2023 can not only see. post-covid light at the end of the tunnel but can potentially take its rightful place as the leading golf destination in Asia...
Here's to the year of the rabbit.