Golf Marketing In Japan
Media | content production | PR & Communications | Tourism Consulting & Strategy | Events
AIR Golf Media is a modern marketing and consultancy group with extensive experience within the golf and tourism sectors, providing detailed insights to positively impact brands, destinations, and service providers both in and outside of Japan.

Video production including consulting, strategy, direction, and deployment

Our media channels of AIR Golf and Golf In Japan are Unique in Japan

Our experts will help you prepare for and attract golf tourism business

Allow our team to create a memorable event for your company, brand or society

Custom design to suit a Japanese or foreign audience and produced in English or Japanese

Destination promotion through mixed media both domestically and overseas
As well as the development of our own golf media; AIR Golf and Golf in Japan, we have also built extensive content and production capabilities in all mediums, in order to give more insight and value, helping our clients strengthen relationships with their customers.